Join Dwight Cadwell every Saturday Morning, from 8 a.m. - 10 a.m., for Coaches Corner sponsored by Northland Sports Online. Coaches Corner is a live show on Legends Rock 96.5 which features local coaches, players, fans and more from around the Northland who come in studio and discusses local sports throughout the area.
We also have players that we hear about on the radio and see in action come in and talk about their season future goals and more. Fans of all sports stop by and say hello and talk about recent sporting events in the area. Coaches come in discuss their latest games, strategies, or even discuss hunting and fishing or whatever comes to mind.
The show also takes a look at college and professional sports and discuss our favorite sports teams. We have a host of co hosts who join us on a regular basis including Scott Rodd, Rich LaFond and more. Northland Sports Online Coaches Corner also features discussion of the top upcoming games of the week and also looks at upcoming broadcasts on our schedule.
For the most up-to-date and complete sports coverage in the northland, check out the weekly Northland Sports Online Coaches Corner Saturday Mornings.
Coaches Corner airs from September through May each year.

Dwight Cadwell